I have spent too many years involved in once-off training seminars, wondering if any sustainable change came of it. I’m convinced that real organisational learning mostly happens when seminars are embedded in the system and not once off separate entities. I love to shape learning architectures where the days spent in the seminar room are only a part of the learning.
Here are some of the questions I think are important:
- What is the difference you really want to make? And is training the right methodology?
- Who needs to be involved so that I can really understand what your organisation and your learners need?
- How do your people learn best?
- How do we ensure that the participants have a minimum amount of motivation to learn?
- What is a good balance between “synchronizing” and “irritating”?
- How can we ensure that the participants have a real chance to implement the things they learn when they come out of the seminar and back to real life? How do we involve their managers and staff?
Examples of Learning Programmes:
Leadership Academy for Executives (BASF)
Change Management for Executives (Voestalpine)
Learning Programme for Top Talents (BASF)
Leadership and Change modules in an in-house Executive MBA Programme (LIMAK)
Cross company 8 Module Programme for new Line Managers